Agents for non-foamy wash
Alkaline washing-disinfecting agent, registered by DLG SIMMLER C is an effective, alkaline washing-disinfecting agent based on active chlore, designed to remove the organic remains from devices, tanks, pipelines etc. SIMMLER C is especially made for modern milkmaid devices and milk cooling devices and it meets the requirements of German Agriculture Association.
Liquid, lightly acid product strengthening washing effect used with alkaline solutions. SIMMLER PRO is lightly acid, oxidative product strengthening washing effect used for alkaline solutions. The product is especially made for washing within CIP system of very dirty tanks and pipe systems in brewhouses, filters, mush tans, plate-type systems.
Liquid alkaline washing agent. ACTION TANK is a highly alkaline washing agent for removing organic waste in such devices as pasteurizers, tanks, containers, pipelines etc. Apart from being a high alkaline product, the agent contains effective dispersing agents and complexing agents.
Acid washing-disinfecting agent, registered by DLG. SIMMLER S is an acid washing agent for automatic cleaning of milkmaid devices, tanks, pipelines etc. in order to remove nonorganic sediments and dirt typical for milk. SIMMLER S meets the requirements of German Agriculture Association. The product is good for cleaning stainless steel surfaces. This product should not be used to wash non-iron metals.
We encourage to buy our products, which we pack up in to the 30 l, 200 l, 1000 l boxes. Our boxes are from the most important technological line, which protects products from reactions with external factors, safes value of this product and has an impact on client's imagination. The label placed in our detergents, informs clients about precise instruction of our products and we help how to use them.